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  • Factors influencing self-evaluations of the childbirth experience



目的:出産自己評価に影響を及ぼす要因について評価し,高い満足感を得られるような助産ケアを検討する. 方法:A産科クリニックにおいて正期産で経腟分娩した初産婦20名に対し,常盤の「出産体験自己評価尺度短縮版」と分娩全体の満足感を問う分娩満足度VAS(Visual Analog Scale)を用いた質問紙調査を行った.分析には記述統計,Spearmanの順位相関係数,Mann?WhitneyのU検定を用い,有意水準はp<0.05とした. 結果:出産自己評価尺度合計得点と分娩満足度VASの得点には有意な正の相関がみられた.また,会陰切開の無群は,有群に比較して産痛コーピングスキル,生理的分娩経過,出産自己評価合計得点が有意に高かった.医療介入無群では,有群に比較して医療スタッフへの信頼,生理的分娩経過,出産自己評価尺度合計得点,分娩満足度VASの得点が有意に高かった. 結論:出産自己評価が高いと,全体的な分娩への満足感が高い.また,会陰切開を含む医療介入が無いほうが満足感は高い.助産師は,産婦が満足感の高い出産ができるように,分娩が正常に進行し,医療介入が少なくて済むような助産ケアを提供しなければならない.

Objectives: To reveal factors that affect childbirth satisfaction and to discuss optimal midwifery care that can offer high childbirth satisfaction. Methods: A self-administered questionnaire survey was conducted on 20 primiparous women who vaginally delivered at term to evaluate childbirth satisfaction. The questionnaire included “Self-Evaluation Scale for Experience of Delivery, Short Version” (Tokiwa inventory) and a visual analog scale (VAS) to evaluate women’s satisfaction of childbirth experience. The Spearman rank correlation test and Mann-Whitney U test were used for statistical analysis, and αlevel 0.05 was considered statistically significant. Results: There was a positive correlation between scores of Tokiwa’s inventory and VAS related to childbirth satisfaction. Women without episiotomy demonstrated significantly higher coping skills for labor pain, higher rate of normal physiological delivery process, and higher total score of Tokiwa’s inventory. Women without medical intervention during delivery showed significantly higher confidence in medical-healthcare personnel, higher rate of normal physiological delivery process, higher total score of Tokiwa’s inventory and higher VAS score related to childbirth satisfaction. Conclusions: High self-evaluation of childbirth experience associates to high satisfaction in overall delivery. No medical intervention including episiotomy associates to high satisfaction in childbirth process. Midwifes are therefore requested to provide midwifery care to support normal delivery process and to avoid unnecessary medical interventions during delivery.


  • 保健学研究

    保健学研究 29 9-16, 2017-01




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