Effects of Triglycerides on the Thermally Induced Gel-Forming Ability of Salt-Ground Fish Meat


  • 塩摺魚肉の熱ゲル形成能に及ぼすトリグリセリドの効果



The gel-forming ability of the lean-fish (white croaker) surimi on the addition of vegetable oils or triglycerides were investigated. Addition of oils to fish surimi alter the softness of fish paste. However, effects of the adding varying levels of rice, soybean and olive oils were not only in decreasing, but also in increasing the gel strength of white croaker surimi after the addition of a few %(W/W) of the oils. Breaking strengths (BS) of these heat-induced gels significantly increased to 1.12 times when rice oil was mixed at 2% concentration of the surimi, 1.19 times when soybean oil was mixed at 2%, and 1.20 times when olive oil was mixed at 4%. BS of each heat-induced gel declined with increasing levels of vegetable oils, i.e. 4%, 6% and 8%. A similar study was also employed using the triglycerides, trilinolein, triolein and tristearin. Effects of these triglycerides were evidently relative to the concentrations in the gels. The addition of less than 4~5% of three types of triglyceride except tripalmitin gave a significantly higher BS value than that of the control white croaker surimi gel, but excessive addition decreased the BS value. Only tripalmitin showed decreasing effect on the BS value of the gel at all concentrations tested. These results suggest that some triglycerides (trilinolein, triolein and tristearin) in vegetable oils show reinforcing and obstructing (softening) effects on the thermally induced gel-forming ability of the lean-fish surimi.



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