浅海域の微生物学的研究―3 : 底質中の有機炭素・溶存酸素消費量・有機酸および硫化物の消長と有機栄養細菌との関係


  • センカイイキ ノ ビセイブツガクテキ ケンキュウ 3 テイシツ チュウ ノ ユウキ タンソ ヨウゾン サンソ ショウヒリョウ ユウキサン オヨビ リュウカブツ ノ ショウチョウ ト ユウキ エイヨウ サイキン ト ノ カンケイ
  • Microbiological Studies on Shallow Marine Areas―III On Relation of the Heterotrophic Bacteria to the Changes in Organic Carbon, Oxygen Consumption, Organic Acid and Sulfides in the Mud Sediment



Periodical observations were made to see the relation between the changes in bacterial population and in organic carbon, oxygen consumption, organic acid and total sulfide in the mud sediment, and pearl farm was compared with other stations. The results obtained are as follows: 1. Among various constituents of mud sediment, the change in amount of sulfide was characteristic: it was accumulated in early stage with the rising of water temperature but it decreased later. The variation in concentration of organic acid was relatively remarkable during the period of sulfide-accumulation, but, generally, it showed a trend of increase in the latter part of the period. 2. There were higher counts of aerobic bacteria, sulfate-reducing bacteria and other heterotrophic bacteria, and also more amount of sulfide in the sediment of pearl farm than in those of other stations. The constituents of sediment in pearl farm may be considerably influenced by the biodeposition of fecal pellets of pearl-mother shells. 3. Lower water layers containing little or no dissolved oxygen occurr in the central area of this bay in summer. It seems due to the fact that the dissolved oxygen is consumed by heterotrophic bacteria and / or reducing substances in a process of decomposition of easily oxidizable organic matter such as dead planktonic organisms under the stagnation of water mass.

大村湾内の底質成分および有機栄養細菌の変化を,真珠漁場底質と比較追跡し,次のような結果を得た. 1. 底質成分変化のうちで,最も特徴的なものは,硫化物の消長で,水温上昇と共に硫化物が集積するが,後半では減少する.硫化物集積期は,有機酸の消長が著しいが,硫化物減少期は増加の傾向を示す. 2. 有機物の豊富な所は,一般細菌や硫酸還元細菌も多く,かつ硫化物の集積も多い.この傾向は,漁場で最も顕著である.漁場では,母貝排せつ物に由来する有機物が,底質変化に大きな影響を及ぼしていると思われる. 3. 湾央部における無酸素層の成因は,水温上昇による成層発達と,プランクトン遺がいの酸化分解などによる酸素消費によるものと考えられる.


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