Bacillus subtilisの胞子の発芽過程に対する消毒剤,食品保存料及び抗生物質の影響について


  • Bacillus subtilis ノ ホウシ ノ ハツガ カテイ ニ タイスル ショウドクザイ , ショクヒン ホゾンリョウ オヨビ コウセイ ブッシツ ノ エイキョウ ニ ツイテ
  • Effect of Disinfectants, Food Preservatives and Antibiotics on the Process of Spore Germination of Bacillus subtilis



It is uncertain at which stage of the germinaton process the chemical reagents exert its inhibitory effect. In this paper an attempt is made to decide the inhibitory effect of disinfectants, food preservatives and antibiotics on the germination process of Bacillus subtilis spores. The technique employed as criteria of germination was based on changes in optical density of spore suspension. The experiments yielded the following results: 1. Spores of B. subtilis germinated rapidly in 0.1% glucose, yeast extract medium (medium F) as listed in Table 1. The curves of optical density-change in germination process were shown in Figure 1. A typical curve of optical density-change shown in Figure 2 may indicate the three steps a, b and c as described by Schmidt3). 2. Inhibitory effect of some chemical reagents on the spore germination was investigated by using a curve of optical density-change. a. Phenol and mercuric chloride inhibited germination in step a, but in the concentration of less than 0.01% of mercuric chloride, germination was inhibited in step b (Figure 3). Nitrofurazone had no effect on spore germination but inhibited it effectively in step b or in step c (Figure 4). Vitamin K₃ seems inhibitory in step a. Sorbic acid, dehydroacetic acid, boric acid and their sodium salts did not retard the rate of germination, but in acidic side at pH 5.5, it took a little lag time for sorbic acid to inhibit germination in step a. Chlortetracycline and dihydrostreptomycin inhibited the outgrowth only, that is, step b or c. The results above mentioned are summarized in Table 3. b. Enzyme inhibitors as listed in Table 4 have less effect upon spore germination. Oxine, cuperon and α.α'-dipyridil seem to have inhibitory action at an intermediate stage of spore germination.

長崎大学水産学部研究報告, v.7, pp.53-60; 1959


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