<私人>の発見 : 『リヴァイアサン』の新しい読み方


  • The Discovery of <Private man> : A New Approach to Leviathan
  • 〈私人〉の発見 : 『リヴァイアサン』の新しい読み方
  • 〈 シジン 〉 ノ ハッケン : 『 リヴァイアサン 』 ノ アタラシイ ヨミカタ



Thomas Hobbes(1588~1679)was a revolutional thinker who criticized the political philosophy of anciant time and middle age. According to Leviathan, liberty of <private man> lacked in concept of premodern society. He discovered <private man> as the key category of modern socety. At this discovery he succeeded in breaking thorough old construction of premodern society by using the category of <private/public> replaced <whole/part>. Modern social contract theory was based on the concept of <private man> who pursued reputation and interest in the market society. Accordingly contract, commodity, exchange, property, possesion were basic categories of the theory. In my examination the social contract theory was based not on preservation of life of human being, but on preservation of life of <private man>. Hobbes thought that <private man> built the sovereign states. Now we can see that his concept of sovereign states are the parts of modern world system in Wallersteinʼs sense. But now we need the next world system in which the associated individuals in the place of <private man> transform the modern world system. Leviathan showed the limit of modern world system by discovering the category of <Private man>.


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