Consideration of the long-term patients' thought who received four months' training in a special support program to prepare them to live in a community group home

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  • 地域移行型ホームに入所するための4ヶ月間の退院支援を受けた精神科の長期入院患者の思いの検討
  • チイキ イコウガタ ホーム ニ ニュウショ スル タメ ノ 4カゲツカン ノ タイイン シエン オ ウケタ セイシンカ ノ チョウキ ニュウイン カンジャ ノ オモイ ノ ケントウ

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Aim : The purpose of this survey is to examine the how best to discharge support and care system for patients discharged from the psychiatric hospital with the patient's wishes after received special support program. Method : Of the 32 patients, 26 persons (group A, n=26) were discharged from the hospital and special support ended for 6 persons (group B, n=6) for various reasons. The researchers administered the semi-structured interviews to identify patients' affections and thought. Data collection was through verbatim recording of communication in the psychiatric hospital using integrated circuit recorders. The obtained data was coded. Also comparison examination was carried out by group A and grou B. Result : In this surbey, we found both the similarities and difference between these two groups. The 12 categories were extracted from group A, and the 13 categories were extracted from group B. The 11 common categories to both groups was extracted from the survey items including "concern about discharge from hospital", "patient feels toward family". "discharge support and staff intervention", and "difference between a psychiatric hospital and a community group home".


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