中韓母語話者の日本語作文における比喩表現について : 指標比喩・結合比喩・文脈比喩という観点から
Bibliographic Information
- Other Title
- Analysis of Metaphorical Expressions in Japanese Compositions Written by Native Chinese and Korean Speakers : From the Viewpoint of "index simile," "joined metaphor," and "contextual metaphor"
本稿では中韓母語話者が執筆した日本語作文における比喩表現の特徴を検討し,日本語教育ではどのような点に留意すべきかについて考察した。具体的には「中韓母語話者による逐語訳つき日本語作文コーパス」から抽出した作文データを資料に,指標比喩・結合比喩・文脈比喩という3分類に基づいて,比喩表現について分析した。一般に,比喩は母語に根差した性質を持つと考えられ,他の言語の母語話者にも問題なく理解されるとは限らない。このような理解不可能性を「言語間ハードル」と呼ぶとすると,指標比喩・文脈比喩には「言語間ハードル」を乗り越える性質が内在している一方,結合比喩はそうではない,ということを明らかにした。その結合比喩のうち,特に「言語表現は同じだが,概念基盤が異なる」ケースに誤用が起きやすい。したがって他言語で比喩を書く場合には,特に結合比喩に留意すべきである,と本稿では結論した。 In this study, we examined the properties of metaphorical expressions in Japanese compositions written by native Chinese and Korean speakers, considering the important factors that should be taken into consideration in Japanese language education. Specifically, we analyzed metaphorical expressions based on the three categories of "index simile," "joined metaphor," and "contextual metaphor" through compositions extracted from the Japanese Composition Corpus with Verbatim Translation by Native Chinese and Korean Speakers. In general, a metaphor is considered to be rooted in its mother tongue and hence may not be understood by the native speakers of other languages. We termed such hurdle as "interlingual hurdle" to reveal that the categories of "index simile" and "contextual metaphor" inherently exhibit the property of overcoming "interlingual hurdle," in contrast to "joined metaphor." It was observed that in the case of "joined metaphor," errors are especially likely to occur in the presence of the same linguistic expression but different conceptual basis. Therefore, this study concludes that "joined metaphor" is of primary importance in Japanese compositions.
- 琉球大学国際教育センター紀要 = Bulletin of Global Education Center University of the Ryukyus
琉球大学国際教育センター紀要 = Bulletin of Global Education Center University of the Ryukyus 5 16-28, 2021
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Details 詳細情報について
- 1050851242893071232
- NII Article ID
- 120007042105
- 2432728X
- 20.500.12000/48466
- Text Lang
- ja
- Article Type
- departmental bulletin paper
- Data Source
- CiNii Articles