悪性新生物死亡率に見られる地理的変異の分析 : 部位別死亡率間の相関について


  • アクセイ シンセイブツ シボウリツ ニ ミラレル チリテキ ヘンイ ノ ブンセ
  • Geographic Variation in Cancer Mortality in Chiba Prefecture : Correlation between Different Cancers
  • 原著





We have recently demonstrated uneven geographical distributions of cancer mortality in 19 health center districts in Chiba prefecture. Whether this local differenciation can be interpreted by any simple factors, we analysed the observed variation in site specific standardized mortality ratios in both sexes by the method of principal component analysis, and the results were compared with those obtained for the nation-wide geographic variation in Japan. The first principal component (Z_1) obtained for Chiba prefecture is positively correlated with lung and breast cancers on one hand, and negatively correlated with stomach, female esophagus and uterine cancers on the other hand. Hence Z_1 can probably be interpreted as an index of urban-rural differences, which is also observed in between-prefectural variations as the fourth component. To the second principal component (Z_2), almost all kinds of cancer, especially of men, are positively correlated, and a similar tendency is the third component in the nation-wide vaiations. Thus it can be concluded that certain factors contribute to all kinds of cancer, and to the high liability in male population.


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