ヒトスジシマカの行動に対する温度効果 : 特に刺す活動に関連して


  • ヒトスジシマカ ノ コウドウ ニ タイスル オンド コウカ トクニ サス カツ
  • Effects of Temperature on the Behaviour of the Mosquito, Aedes albopictus (Skuse) : in Special Reference to the Biting Activity




一定の温度を供給する温度調節器を具えた水槽と接触した二重箱にヒトスジシマカを収容し, その行動に及ぼす温度効果を調べた。接触面の温度はサーミスタ感熱部並びにそれに接続するガルバノメータで測定した。1.交尾を終えた雌は, 温度の上昇とともに熱源へ接近する個体および刺す行動を示す個体が急激に増え, 39℃でいずれも最大の山に達した。41℃では, これらの個体は急速に減少し, 逆に熱源近くから逃避する個体が増えていった。従って41℃は, 交尾の危険予知限界温度であると考えられた。2.未交尾雌の熱源接近行動は, 交尾雌の場合よりも活溌であった。しかし刺す行動は交尾雌よりはるかに低調であった。3.雄は雌よりも温度に対して敏感に反応した。低温でも接近行動は雌以上に活溌であり, 37℃で最大の山を作った。熱源接触面に静止する反応は, 37℃よりも低温でピークをっくる傾向がみられた。39℃では, 接近行動の急減と逃避行動の増加があったことから, 39℃が雄の危険予知限界と思われた。このような雄の特異な温度反応は, 彼等の群飛と関連して論議された。4.被覆実験の結果から, 温度受容器の大部分は小顎肢に局在すると結論された。

Effects of temperature on the behaviour of Aedes albopictus were investigated in a double box coming in contact with a water bath which is heat supplier having a temperature-re-gulating system. Temperature on the contact face was measured with a thermistor galvano-meter. 1. Of mated females, biting individuals increased rapidly in numbers with a rise of temperature and reached a peak at 39℃. Also individuals approaching to the heat supplier passed almost the same response course with the biting ones. But at 41℃, these individuals abruptly fell down in numbers, and individuals escaping from near the heat supplier appeared conspicuously. It was considered from these results that 41℃ is a marginal temperature for foreknowing dangers to mated females. 2. Approaching behaviour of unmated females to the heat supplier was more active than in mated females. On the contrary, biting behaviour was in a far lower level compared with that of mated females. 3. Males responded to heat more sensitively'than females. In the range of low temperature, their approaching behaviour was conducted far more vigorously than in females and a peak was formed at 37℃. It was noted that responses of staying at the contact surface with the heat supplier and mating behaviour have a tendency to form peaks at lower temperature than 37℃. At 39℃, escape from near the heat supplier increased highly in numbers, but approaching behaviour decreased sharply. Such characteristic responses of males to heat were discussed in relation with their swarming. 4. Approaching behaviour to the heat supplier and biting behaviour of mated females were remarkably inhibited by coating maxillary palpus with chemical paste. It was, therefore, concluded that the most part of temperature-receptors are located on their maxillary palpus.

source:Bulletin of the Faculty of Education, Chiba University. Part II


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