大学生を対象としたケースメソッド教育の評価 -積極的・消極的参加者を対象としたグループインタビュー調査-


  • ダイガクセイ オ タイショウ ト シタ ケース メソッド キョウイク ノ ヒョウカ セッキョクテキ ショウキョクテキ サンカシャ オ タイショウ ト シタ グループ インタビュー チョウサ
  • Evaluation of the Case Method Education for University Students: Group Interviews for Active and Negative participations





Case method education is a learning style that is used to form a basis of comprehensive, hands-on andproblem-solving ability, in which the participants discuss teaching such materials of simulated cases, with the requirementthat they be judged and deal with the material by themselves, so that they can consider how theyshould behave in similar circumstances. The objectives of this study are evaluation of the case method educationfor active and negative participations of university students by group interviews.Method: 90 minutes case method education was conducted for 109 Yogo teacher students in 4 universities.We also conducted interview research with some of the participants selected from 4 universities of the educationgroups after they experienced case method education.Results and Discussions: As a result, it became clear that even negative participants can also learn a lot from thismethod. However, it was also suggested that where prior study is not fully carried out, this has an effect on negativeparticipation.



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