実験的皮膚炎における酵素組織化学的研究 : 1. DNCB皮膚炎における酵素活性の経時的変動について


  • ジッケンテキ ヒフエン ニ オケル コウソ ソシキ カガクテキ ケンキュウ 1 DNCB ヒフエン ニ オケル コウソ カッセイ ノ ケイジテキ ヘンドウ ニ ツイテ
  • Enzyme histochemical studies on the experimental dermatitis. : I. Histochemical studies on DNCB dermatitis of the guinea pig skin




1. 1%DNCBアセトン溶液をモルモット項背部皮膚に塗布し, primary irritant dermatitisを作製し,起炎後9日目までの呼吸・解糖系酵素の活性の経時的変動を組織化学的に追求した。2. 病理組織学的には, 6時間目に表皮・真皮間に裂隙を認め, 1日目に表皮下水疱となり,真皮浅層に白血球・リンパ球よりなる細胞浸潤を認めた。3日目以後では表皮下水疱はみられず, 4日目をピークとする表皮肥厚をみ, 7日でほぼ起炎前と同様の所見となった。3. 組織化学的には,各酵素(G6PDH, LDH, GDH, SDH, Cyt. O., NADH-およびNADPH-diaphorase)とも多少の時間的ずれはあるにしても,起炎9時間目より活性の減弱を認め, 1日目に最低となり, 2日目より増強しはじめ, 3〜6日目にピークに達し,起炎前より増強した活性を示し, 6〜9日目で起炎前と同等の活性に戻るという所見を得た。4. また, Warburg検圧計を用い,スライスレベルでの呼吸の経時的変動をみると,酵素活性の消長とほぼ同様のパターンを得た。

Enzyme histochemical studies were performed on the primary irritant dermatitis of guinea pig inflammed with 1% DNCB in acetone, using technigues for the demonstration of G6PDH, LDH, SDH, GDH, cytochrome oxidase and NADH- and NADPH-diaphorase activity. The first histological response to DNCB was the formation of a slight lacuna between the epidermis and the dermis at 6 hours, followed by the subepidermal bullae and prominent cell infiltration composed of leucocytes and lymphocytes at 24 hours. Beyond 3 days subepidermal bullae were not present. Marked acanthosis peaked at 4 days. At 7 and 9 days the epidermis and the dermis looked normal. In the various course of the time, although each activity of enzyme showed some time lag, essentially similar patterns of enzyme activity could be demonstrated. They began to reduce at 9 hours and showed the lowest level at 24 hours. Then, at 2 days activities of enzymes began to enhance and peaked at 3 to 6 days. At 6 to 9 days the intensity of reaction looked normal. With Warburg's manometer, respiration of the skin slices revealed the similar changes corresponding to the activities of enzymes.


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