

  • ゲンゴ ガクシュウ ニ オヨボス スイミンチュウ ノ シゲキ テイジ ノ コウ
  • The Effects of Hearing Verbal Stimuli Presented during Sleep on the Verbal Learning




The purpose of the study was to examine the effect of hearing the learning materials during sleep on the verbal learning. Ss of the experimental group heard verbal materials which were sounded by a tape-recorder during sleep, state of which was monitored by EEG. The materials were 10 nonsense syllables. At 30 minutes after the presentation of the materials Ss were awaked and were asked to memorize the materials. The materials were presented repeatedly and Ss tried to recall them after each presentation, until Ss could reach the criterion of the learning which was set as all correct responses continuing for 2 trials. Procedures of the control group were the same as that of the experimental group except no sleep. The results were as followings. 1. It was confirmed by EEG that Ss of the experimental group showed the middle sleep state or the deep sleep state before the presentation of the materials, and that the presentation of the materials changed their sleep state into the α wave or the light sleep state. In numbers of trials to reach the criterion, there was no significant difference among three groups, that is, the control group, some of the experimental group who reported having heard something during the sleep, and the others of the experimental group who reported having heard nothing during the sleep. 2. In numbers of trials to reach the criterion, there were no differences between the experimental group and the control group. 3. There was a tendency that the mean rate of correct responses in the correct order of the experimental group was higher than that of the control group. But there was no differences between the two groups in the mean rate of correct responses regardless of the order. 4. In the experimental group differences between the rate of correct responses in the correct order and that regardless of the order were almost constant through the learning process, but in the control group those increased with progress of the learning. From these results, it seems that hearing of the verbal materials

睡眠中における学習材料の提示がその後の学習にどのような影響を与えるかを検討する。被験者は男女大学生で実験群24名, 統制群24名の計48名から成る。実験群は用意されたベッドで夜間睡眠をとらせ, 脳波を観察しつつ睡眠を確認した段階であらかじめ録音されたテープを通じて学習材料を提示した。学習材料は無意味綴10個を用い, 音声で10回連続提示した。刺激提示終了後, 30分経過して覚醒の状態で学習を行なわせた。すなわち10個の無意味綴の音声による提示後ただちに再生させ, 2試行つづけてすべての綴が正しい順序で再生される状態をもって習得水準とした。統制群は睡眠をとらせることなく, 実験群と同じ学習材料を用いて同じ学習を行なわせた。結果は次のようである。1.実験群のすべての被験者においては, 刺激提示前には脳波からみて中等睡眠期あるいは深睡眠期であったが, 刺激提示後脳波像は浅眠波あるいはα波に変化した。そして, 実験群を睡眠中になにか聞こえたかどうかの有無により2群に分け, 統制群との3群について習得水準に達するまでの試行数を比較したが有意差はみられなかった。なお, 実験群で覚醒後に睡眠中に何か聞こえたと報告した者は刺激提示後α波がみられたものであった。2.習得水準に達するまでの試行数に関して実験群と統制群との間に差はみられなかった。3.正反応率を実験群と統制群について比較したところ, 順序の正しい再生を正反応とした場合に実験群の方が高い正反応率を示す傾向があった。4.正しい順序での正反応率と順序に関係しない正反応率の差は, 実験群においては学習過程に関係なく一定であるが, 統制群では学習が進むにつれて増加の傾向がみられた

source:Bulletin of the Faculty of Education, Chiba University. Part I


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