戦後フィリピン人軍人・軍属に嫁いだ沖縄女性に関する考察 ―出入域管理体制と沖縄女性たちの国籍及び婚姻をめぐる問題―


  • A study of Okinawan women married to Filipino military personnel and civilian employees during post-war.:Immigration control system, nationality and marriage issues.


本稿では,米軍統治下の沖縄におけるフィリピン人軍人・軍属の出入域に関する問題と彼らと結婚した沖縄人女性の国籍及び婚姻をめぐる問題を中心に考察を進める。リサーチクエスチョンは,「フィリピン人軍人・軍属に関する戦後の出入国管理体制がどのように変化していったのか,また彼らと結婚した女性たちの国籍及び婚姻をめぐる問題はどのようなものがあったのか」である。  本稿では,1.終戦後の出入域管理体制,2.フィリピン人軍人及び軍属の駐留及び在留期間,3.フィリピン人軍人・軍属に嫁いだ女性たちの国籍及び婚姻をめぐる問題について考察する。これまで米軍統治下のフィリピン人軍人・軍属に関する出入域に関する研究はなされておらず,その法的経緯や帰還に関する実態については明らかにされていない。また,駐留中に結婚した沖縄人女性らの国籍や婚姻をめぐる問題についても,実態研究はほとんどなされていない。そうした状況は関連資料が少ないことに起因するのであろうが,本稿では発掘した新資料に証言を取り込み,そうした問題について検討を試みる。

The present paper discusses immigration controls issues for Filipino military personnel and civilian employees during the US military rule, as wells as nationality and marriage legal issues regarding their Okinawan brides. The research questions are: What kind of changes occurred in immigration controls for Filipino military personnel and civilian employees? and, accordingly, what nationality and marriage problems were found regarding their wives? Section 1 of this paper discusses immigration control processes during postwar Okinawa; section 2 examines the stationing and length of stay of Filipino military personnel and civilian employees; and section 3 considers nationality and marriage legal issues of Okinawan women married to Filipino military personnel and military civilian personnel. At present, there is no research regarding immigration controls in Okinawa during the U.S. military rule, and issues regarding the actual conditions of legal processes and their repatriation remain unclear. This is the first study that analyzes nationality and marriage legal issues of Okinawan women married with stationed Filipino military personnel and civilian employees. In addition, may be due to the lack of related materials, little field research has been conducted on issues surrounding nationality and marriage legal issues of Okinawan women married to stationed Filipino military personnel and civilian employees. This paper incorporates evidences and personal testimonies, as collected new materials, in an effort to examine such problems.


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