Requirements Analysis of System for Research Data Management to Prevent Scientific Misconduct


With the pressing need for research data management to prevent scientific misconduct (RDM-PSM) in Japan, our goal in this study was to identify the basic functionalities and requirements of an RDM-PSM system. To achieve it, we first extracted the core elements of the guidelines on preserving research materials set forth by the Science Council of Japan and reorganized the elements to form the minimum requirements and two basic functionalities, "Content Management" and "Institutional Management," of an RDM-PSM system. Next, the minimum requirements for RDM-PSM were scrutinized in order to formulate the system requirements and associated functions needed to develop the system. Finally, the functions were mapped onto an assumed RDM-PSM workflow model at academic institutions to evaluate the consistency and usability of these functions. Even though this requirements analysis was conducted on the basis of Japanese guidelines, the identified requirements and analysis procedure are useful in international contexts to meet the increasing demand worldwide for RDM-PSM.


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