Association between facial attractiveness, FWHR and athletic achievement in track and field athletes

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  • 陸上競技選手における見た目の魅力及び顔の縦横比と競技成績との関連性
  • リクジョウ キョウギ センシュ ニ オケル ミタメ ノ ミリョク オヨビ カオ ノ ジュウオウヒ ト キョウギ セイセキ ト ノ カンレンセイ

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Previous studies have reported that a relationship between attractiveness and athletic achievement exists such as in cycling and American football. The goal of this study was to examine the association between at-tractiveness, facial width-to-height ratio (FWHR) and athletic achievement in collegiate track and field ath-letes. Ninety-three athletes (42 males and 51 females, aged 19.8±1.2 years) participated in the present study. All athletes were divided into higher-level athletes and lower-level athletes according to their athletic achievement. Two-hundred and forty-one evaluators (124 males and 117 females, aged 20.81±1.5 years) as-sessed the attractiveness of the athletes. Attractiveness was evaluated using the visual analog scale (VAS) by evaluators who met the athletes for the first time and were of the opposite sex. We measured the FWHR, facial width ratio, area between the left and right cheekbones, and height between the upper lip and under the eye-brows using ImageJ. This study reveal that elite sprinters were more attractive than the lower-level athletes (p=0.053). Conversely, elite endurance athletes were less attractive (p=0.039) (FWHR, p=0.047) than the lower-level athletes. In summary, our results suggested that higher-level sprinters tend to be more attractive in comparison to higher-level endurance athletes who showed a lower FWHR and were found to be less attrac-tive.


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