変容するジャポニズム : 舞台作品の変遷


  • ヘンヨウ スル ジャポニズム ブタイ サクヒン ノ ヘンセン
  • Transforming Japonisme : stage work transition




From the end of the 19th century to the beginning of the 20th century, stage works representing at Japan have been manufactured in the United States and Europe. But now many of these are not known. These work groups can be named “Japonisme work”, which can be divided into two types. The fi rst one, in the style of a conventional theater, and visual elements such as costume and stage equipment, has been directing the “Japanese-ness”, such as music and songs to those of Japan it is intended. This is typifi ed “Mikado” by Gilbert and Sullivan and “Madame Butterfl y” by Puccini. In order to adopt a superfi cial “Japanese-ness”, authors were incorporated the sound of Japanese and names real Japanese name to their work. The other is the style of traditional Japanese theater that brought to the Western theater. When it comes to Japanese artists are many visit the United States and Europe, another authors were attracted that mimics the style of traditional Japanese theater including “Noh”. Such as written by Yeats “At the Hawk’s well” is an example. Before long, theater theorists who strongly interested in the style of these Japanese theater, Japanese theater was considered to be an important element in order to build the 20th century avant-garde theater. To investigate the forgotten “Japonisme play” is very important in considering the mechanism of imitation in the theater.


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