Understanding attitudes of hydrogen fuel-cell vehicle adopters in Japan

機関リポジトリ HANDLE オープンアクセス


As of January 2021, Japan had the world's largest hydrogen station network with merely 4600 hydrogen fuel-cell vehicles (HFCVs) on roads, as compared to the 9000 HFCVs in the US, with only one-third of the hydrogen refueling stations in Japan. To understand behavioral differences among Japanese adopters, we administered a survey, in cooperation with public and private sector stakeholders, involving 89 private HFCV adopters in the Aichi Prefectural region, which hosts the largest number of HFCVs and refueling stations in Japan. Results suggest that HFCV adopters have a higher socioeconomic status than non-adopters, are mostly male in their 50s and above, and have a higher interest in new vehicle fuel technology. HFCV adopters who leased and bought vehicles were similar in terms of socioeconomic status, with differences in attitudes toward governmental incentives. The lack of refueling stations and station business hours restrict HFCV adopters from continuing with this fuel technology.


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