イスラム圏アジア諸国における女性の雇用環境の諸側面 : バングラデシュの事例に焦点


  • Working Environment of Women in Asian Muslim Countries: With Special Emphasis on the Case of Bangladesh
  • イスラムケン アジア ショコク ニ オケル ジョセイ ノ コヨウ カンキョウ ノ ショ ソクメン : バングラデシュ ノ ジレイ ニ ショウテン



This paper examines, by taking Bangladesh as a case, several important aspects of working environment, namely laws, regulations, rules and religion, for women in Asian Muslim countries who constitute about 49 percent of the population in those countries. It is found that the national constitution, labor policies, and labor laws provide a de jure protection to the equal employment opportunities for both men and women. Through different national development plans and programs, the government emphasizes the employers at both private and public sectors to create congenial working conditions for women to ensure their participation in the economic development of the country. Although the religious traditions are blamed to be the stumbling block to the alleviation of working conditions of women, it appears that the Muslim religion, which is practiced by about 70-100 percent of the population, rather provides a strong ethical and moral environment for women in all spheres of working, private, social, and national lives. However, the age-old tradition of discrimination against women, customary malpractice of employers, absence of a enlightened civil society, inadequate law enforcing mechanisms, and negligence of the womenfolk itself in exercising its rights are insurmountable hindrances to nurturing a healthy working environment for women in these countries.


  • 企業研究

    企業研究 (36), 97-122, 2020-02-28


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