Sanshiro and the Western Paintings : Soseki's Application of the Programme of Symbolism



本稿は夏目漱石(1867-1916)の『三四郎』(1908)と西洋絵画との関係を探っている。漱石作品への視覚芸術の影響については近年さまざまな研究が行われているものの,『三四郎』へのシンボリズムのプログラム応用については,今なお十分な研究が行われていないのが現状である。本稿は,『三四郎』のヒロイン美禰子像形成への漱石のシンボリズムプログラムの応用を明らかにすることを主眼とし,漱石の西洋絵画への強い関心,ジャンーバプティスト・グルーズ(1725-1805)が描いた少女像と『三四郎』のヒロイン美禰子像との関連性,さらに典型的なシンボリストモチーフで描かれた女性像との近似性,そして作品へのシンボリズムプログラム応用へと漱石を導くこととなったシンボリズムに対する漱石の理解と共感についての四部構成で論じている。 This paper examines the relation between Sanshiro (1908) by Natsume Soseki (1867-1916) and the Western paintings. Although the influence of the visual arts on his works has been recognized for the past years, the programme of Symbolism which Soseki might have assimilated into Sanshiro has not fully explored yet. This paper attemps to clarify his application of the programme of Symbolism for the representation of the image of the heroine Mineko in Sanshiro. The discussion is divided into the following four points : Soseki's keen interest in the Western paintings ; his description of Mineko in conjunction with the girls painted by Jean-Baptiste Greuze (1725-1805); their kinship with girls typical of the Symbolist motifs, and Soseki's understanding of and inclination toward Symbolism, which is proved to have led him to apply the programme of Symbolism as well as its motifs for his work Sanshiro.


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