Research on the seaside library, focusing on the case of Chiba

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  • 臨海図書館の研究 千葉県の事例を中心として
  • リンカイ トショカン ノ ケンキュウ チバケン ノ ジレイ オ チュウシン ト シテ

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Since the Meiji era, when beaches for the main purpose of entertainment have become widespread, the beaches have become leisure lands. Against this background, seaside libraries were held all over the country. Seaside libraries were also held in various parts of Chiba prefecture. As a result of examining and analyzing the cases of seaside libraries nationwide, focusing on the cases in Chiba prefecture, there are three types of seaside libraries: collection for loan to groups type, mobile library type, and regional promotion type. It was found that it is defined as "a business related to books, etc. for a certain period of time, mainly at the beach, etc., with the local libraries and organizations playing a central role."


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