The influence of landscape components on the home range sizes of the common kestrel in Nakano City, Nagano Prefecture

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  • 長野県中野市におけるチョウゲンボウの行動圏面積と内部環境割合の関係
  • ナガノケン ナカノシ ニ オケル チョウゲンボウ ノ コウドウケン メンセキ ト ナイブ カンキョウ ワリアイ ノ カンケイ

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The home range sizes of common kestrels in Nakano City were surveyed using radio-tracking from spring to summer, between 2017 and 2021. We recorded the locations obtained by the radio-tracking on a 1 : 3000 map. In 2021, the home range sizes of one adult female (“A”) and two adult males (“B” and “C”) were estimated using the minimum convex polygon, the 95% kernel method, and the 50% kernel method as core areas.  The home range size of the individual “A” showed the smallest home range size, and the rice field area was the dominant landscape component for this individual. Individual “B” had the largest area of the 95% kernel and the 50% kernel, and the area of the orchard was the primary landscape component used by this individual. Individual “C” exhibited the largest area of the minimum convex polygon, and it utilized the other landscape components (e.g., urban) the most. The average sizes of the minimum convex polygon, the 95% kernel, and the 50% kernel were calculated across the individuals, surveyed between 2017 and 2020. The average sizes across the individuals were 259.7±79.9 ha (the minimum convex polygon), 418.8±183.1 ha (the 95% kernel), and 80.2±36.3 ha (the 50% kernel), respectively. These home range sizes estimated by the three different methods were significantly negatively correlated with the percentage of the rice field area. On the other hand, there was a significant positive correlation between orchards and others. Our results suggest that when the percentage of the rice field is higher, the home range sizes of kestrels become smaller because they should be able to forage more efficiently in rice fields than orchards and other landscape components.


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