朝幕関係史上における刀剣贈答 : 尊号一件二刀進献をめぐって


  • チョウバク カンケイシ ジョウ ニオケル トウケン ゾウトウ ソンゴウ イッケン ニトウ シンケン オ メグッテ
  • Sword Gifting in the History of Relations between the Imperial Court and the Tokugawa Shogunate: Focusing on the donation of two swords in the Songo incident





According to sword researcher Fukunaga Suiken, shogun Tokugawa Ienari presented the famous swords Hayakawa Masamune and Koike Masamune, described in “Kyoho Meibutsu Cho”, to the Imperial Court in order to appease the it after relations had been strained by the Songo incident. Despite this, an investigation of relevant historical documents from the Imperial Court and the Shogunate has revealed that this common belief should be corrected. On December 5, 1792, Ienari dispatched Maeda Nagatomi as an envoy to inform Emperor Kokaku that he was presenting the “nodachi of Masamune” to him and the “otachi” to Empress Gosakuramachi, and to inquire about his and her wishes regarding its decoration. As a result, he sent Hayakawa Masamune, decorated with a mother-ofpearl inlay, and Koike Masamune, engraved with vermilion inscriptions and sheathed in a plain-wood scabbard, to Kyoto on November 10, 1794. The gifts were chosen based on Ienari’s intentions, and Kokaku was also involved in the decision of what to return. The reason for sending the two swords was to greet Kokaku, who had given up on honoring his own father with a noble title, and to thank Gosakuramichi who had persuaded him to do so. It may have been the resulted from pressure to summon Ogimachi Kin-akira and Nakayama Naruchika, who are the central figures in the incident, to Edo.


  • 人文

    人文 (20), 375-408, 2022-03


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