Exploring the Representation of Chaos Existing in the Mind: Study in the Fields of Myths and Science from the Perspective of Analytical Psychology

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  • こころに存在するカオス(混沌)の表象を追う --神話・科学の領域と分析心理学の観点からの検討--
  • ココロ ニ ソンザイ スル カオス(コントン)ノ ヒョウショウ オ オウ : シンワ ・ カガク ノ リョウイキ ト ブンセキ シンリガク ノ カンテン カラ ノ ケントウ

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Chaotic expressions and situations may occur in psychotherapy, which include important momentum. This paper explores the characteristics of “Chaos” in psychotherapy to examine the fields of mythology and science from the perspective of analytical psychology. In the mythical realm chaos is characterized by primitive origins, cavity, inclusiveness, undifferentiation. It is understood as a metaphor of the unconscious, primitive mind, and transference phenomena of relationships in analytical psychology. In the field of science, chaotic phenomena are considered the disorderly behavior of unpredictable objects, and order and disorder are observed to coexist in it. In the internally important phase in the psychotherapy, while the image of creation myths is generated, there is another aspect of being exposed to the primitive anxiety of the collapse of the world. Destructive aspects are not depicted in creation myths. The characteristics of both sides of the generation and destruction of chaos could be deepened in psychotherapy by examination from the perspectives of mythology and science.


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