[原著]離島における内視鏡単独胃集団検診の有用性について(第1報) : 波照間島及び久高島に関して

機関リポジトリ HANDLE オープンアクセス


  • On efficacy of upper gastrointestinal mass-survey With pan-view endoscopy in islands of okinawa -Report 1-: Hateruma and Kudaka Islands



The mass-examination of upper gastrointestinal tractus with pan-view endoscope was performed on 363 inhabitants in Hateruma and Kudaka Islands, Four cases of gastric cancer were detected among examined inhabitants : two of them were proved endoscopically as early stage cancer. Other main findings except cancer were as follows: gastric ulcer 1.6% gastric polyp 1.6% duodenal ulcer 2.6% The detection rate in the mass-survey with panendoscopy was higher than that through X-ray examination. The mass-examination of upper gastrointestinal tractus with pan-view endoscope should be recommended for inhabitants in isolated islands due to the following reasons : 1) Mobile X-ray examination car is not available for isolated islands. 2) More accurate results were obtaind by pan-view endoscopic examination than those by X-ray survey. 3) The operation of pan-view endoscope in the examination requires no difficulty by operator and discomfort which examinees suffer can be minimized.



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