A Corpus Based Study of Latent Copula da in Quoted Clauses

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  • コーパスに基づく引用句内のコピュラ(「だ」)の顕在と潜在に関する研究
  • コーパス ニ モトズク インヨウク ナイ ノ コピュラ(「 ダ 」)ノ ケンザイ ト センザイ ニ カンスル ケンキュウ

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It seems that not much attention has been given to latent copula da (or, the deletion of the copula) in literature. Couple of previous studies mentioned that such a copula can be arbitrarily deleted. This paper's research questions are (1) to clarify whether the deletion (or latency) of da occurs arbitrarily, (2) in comparison of two contexts, to omou and to kangaeru, whether or not latency of da following nouns and adjectives correlate, (3) the frequency of collocation with spontaneous forms (omowareru and kangaerareru), (4) if da can be deleted arbitrarily and such latency is not related to grammaticality, it might be possible to give explanation from pragmatic point of view. This study of a large corpus "Yahoo! Chiebukuro (second edition)" offered by National Institute of Information (Nii) shows that (1) latent copula phenomenon does not occur arbitrarily, (2) latent copula can be found more in to kangaeru than to omou, (3) spontaneous forms are strongly related to latency of da and (4) mitigation of PTA (to take responsibility in what is said in the quoted clause) is one possible motivation for latent copula phenomena.




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