清末のジャーナリズムと琉球問題 (3編) : 日清再交渉の時期

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  • Examination of reports and editorials on the Ryukyuan problems by chinese journalism in the late Qing dynasty (Part 3) : During and after re-negotiation over division of Ryukyu Islands between Japan and China
  • シンマツ ノ ジャーナリズム ト リュウキュウ モンダイ 3ヘン ニッシン サイコウショウ ノ ジキ



The progress of the Ryukyuan problems from 1870's to 1880's can be divided into the following five phases: the first phase (1871-1874), that is, around the Taiwan Incident. the second phase (1875-1879), around prohibiting the Ryukyu Kingdom from tributary. the third phase (1879-1880), around the\n. abolition of the Ryukyu Kingdom. the fourth phase (1880-1881), around the negotiation over division\nof Ryukyu Islands between Japan and China. the fifth phase (1881-1891), during and after re-negotiation between Japan and China.\nIn this paper, author examine reports and editorials on the Ryukyuan problems by chinese journalism in the fifth phase. chinese journalism in this phase focused on the following subjects; (1)the process of re-negotiation over division of Ryukyu Islands between Japan and China, (2)the preparation for the outbreak of War in Japan and China, (3)the Ryukyuan ambivalent attitudes toward Japanese government and their movement for re-construction of the Ryukyu Kingdom.\nOn the subject of (1), chinese journalism often gave the wrong information that Chinese government intended to compensate Japanese government for the running expenses of Ryukyu Islands with a large sum of mony, because chinese journalism could not catch the correct information on the renegotiation between Japan and China.\nOn the subject of (2), chinese journalism emphasized that Japanese government was putting the military expansion plan into practice, and aimed to bluff Chinese government into retreating from the Ryukyuan problems.\nOn the subject of (3), chinese journalism, influenced by the incomplete sources, incorrectly reported and commented on a event of a Ryukyuan sacrificing himself in a national emergency, and the disputes about re-construction of the Ryukyu Kingdom among the Ryukyuan groups.



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