イオンビーム誘起結晶成長(IBIEC, Ion-Beam-Induced Epitaxial Crystallization)法によるダイヤモンド半導体へのイオン注入n型ドーパントの電気的活性化の可能性


  • Possibility of Electrical Activation of Ion-Implanted n-type Dopants into Diamond Semiconductor Substrates Using IBIEC (Ion-Beam-Induced Epitaxial Crystallization) Technologies
  • イオンビーム誘起結晶成長(IBIEC, Ion-Beam-Induced Epitaxial Crystallization)法によるダイヤモンド半導体へのイオン注入n型ドーパントの電気的活性化の可能性 : 2021年度神奈川大学総合理学研究所共同研究助成論文
  • イオンビーム ユウキ ケッショウ セイチョウ(IBIEC, Ion-Beam-Induced Epitaxial Crystallization)ホウ ニ ヨル ダイヤモンド ハンドウタイ エ ノ イオン チュウニュウ nガタ ドーパント ノ デンキテキ カッセイカ ノ カノウセイ : 2021ネンド カナガワ ダイガク ソウ ゴウリガク ケンキュウジョ キョウドウ ケンキュウ ジョセイ ロンブン



We already reported previously that we succeeded in obtaining excellent electrical properties of B-implanted type-IIa chemical-vapor-deposition (CVD) diamond substrates under conditions for room-temperature (RT) B implantation followed by relatively low-temperature annealing of 1150℃ ~ 1300℃ . The doping efficiency markedly progressed to 78% and the Hall mobility at RT was 108 cm2/(V・sec) for the RT-implanted sample followed by annealing at 1300℃ . We consequently confirmed p-type conductivity and typical ionization energy of acceptor B using a wide temperature range. Furthermore, we have succeeded in fabricating a Schottky barrier diode using the all-ion-implantation process of B-ion-implanted into selfstanding CVD diamond substrate. We have also succeeded in achieving extremely high-efficient B ion implantation doping efficiency of around 100% using high-quality CVD film with a 5 μm thickness deposited on the high-pressure high-temperature (HPHT) type-Ib diamond substrate. Thus, B doping implantation into diamond semiconductors along with p-type electrical activation is now a reality for diamond device fabrication. This time, we report that n-type conductivity has been achieved for the P-implanted CVD diamond film annealed by MeV ion beam irradiation technologies at the comparatively low temperature of 750℃ . After 140-keV P implantation for a 2 x 1014/cm2 dose and successive 50-keV P implantation for a 1 x 1014/cm2 dose at RT, 3-MeV Ne2+ irradiation for a 1 x 1016/cm2 dose at 750℃ was performed. The dependence of sheet resistivity upon the reciprocal absolute temperature showed two activation energies of ~1.2 eV and ~0.4 eV, using Hall effect measurement methods. In the temperature range from 300℃ to 700℃, sheet resistivity exhibited ~1.2 eV activation energy. We also observed clear n-type conductivities at within the temperature range. However, in the temperature range from 100℃ to 300℃ , exhibiting ~0.4 eV act ivation energy, n-type conductivities could not be entirely observed. Wequalitatively discussed these p-n judgement results. Eventually, after Hall effect measurement had been completed, we performed SIMS measurement to investigate profiles of impurity elements contained in the CVD films. We found not only implanted P atoms, but also N atoms that had been unintentionally present during CVD film deposition. These facts will be published elsewhere. That is, the CVD film had double donor states. We discussed possibilities of electrical activation for implanted P atoms being introduced into substitutional sites. Atomistic models of dynamic movement for implanted P and surrounding C atoms were proposed. These models showed that implanted P atoms could be introduced into substitutional sites during MeV-IBIEC annealing irradiations. We also discussed defects annealing mechanism using MeV-IBIEC technologies, based on basic atomistic models.


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