

  • The Potential of Introducing Machine Translation into Japanese Language Education : Use and Perceptions by Native Japanese Instructors
  • ニホンゴ キョウイク ゲンバ エ ノ キカイ ホンヤク ドウニュウ ノ カノウセイ : ニホンゴ ボゴワシャ キョウシ オ タイショウ ト シタ ジッタイ チョウサ オ モト ニ



The recent development in the IT field has brought about unprecedented changes in both teaching and learning second languages. Especially, with the recent improvements in accuracy as well as fluency of MT, most instructors of foreign language education have started discussing on how to deal with MT in their classrooms. However, not much research has been conducted investigating the use of MT in relation to Japanese language education in Japan. Accordingly, this article reports the results of a survey-based study on the use of MT as well as attitudes, perceptions, and beliefs about MT, held by native Japanese instructors within Japanese language programs at the University. The results of the analysis reveal that, a very few instructors use MT in Japanese language teaching currently, but many would like to use it in the future as the accuracy of MT outputs may surpass what students are able to produce on their own. MT may be regarded as a necessary tool for students, especially when they are placed under pressure to keep pace with privileged and more-able peers in the language learning classroom. Assessments of MT outputs indicate that there is no considerable gap between major and minor language outputs and it reveals the possibility of using MT in multilingual Japanese classrooms. Japanese instructors’ responses with regards to the classes that they wish to use MT reveals that there is more possibility to use MT in essay writing classes than others. However, it becomes clear that while many instructors think MT is a good learning aid, they worry that learners must be trained for an educational use of MT, since incorrect use of MT could result in academic dishonesty. This paper is organized as following: Section 2 provides an overview of previous research conducted on issues central to the present project. Section 3 summarizes the methodology used in the study. Section 4 presents and discusses the survey results relative to the research questions. Conclusion summarizes the attitudes, perceptions, and beliefs about MT by Native Japanese instructors and finally discusses the issues to be addressed in the future.


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