Psychological Characteristics in Adolescence, Affecting The Anger of Young People : The Case of "Y"
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- 怒りについての青年期の心理的特徴 : "Y"の事例
- イカリ ニ ツイテ ノ セイネンキ ノ シンリテキ トクチョウ Y ノ ジレイ
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ある男子青年を対象とし、Sprangerの了解的方法に則り、とらわれの絡む怒りについての青年期の心理的特徴の探求に当たった。 (1)いじめの屈辱にとらわれての認識と怒りの衝動が入り組み、短絡的ではあるが、目的性や計画性を帯びる認識や行動傾向、そして、感情的爆発・暴発、その後の、とらわれの絡む怒りや強くとらわれた認識や行動が探求された。 (2)とらわれの絡む怒りの機序 対人関係を処理する社会的スキルにかける傾向にあり、自立の過渡期に強い内外の圧力が加わり、個人的価値体系・自立性の発達や強まる自意識、"中心化"の傾向が絡み、その圧力にとらわれ、怒りを募らせていった。そして、自立の柱ともなるべき事柄において悲観し、自暴自棄傾向を強めていった。 (3)とらわれの絡む怒りの消失化における機序 彼との意思の疎通、彼の訴えること、心を受け止め、彼を支えたこと、価値を追求する方向でのキャリアデザインにおける主体的、個性的自分づくりの手伝いが、とらわれの絡む怒りの消失化に大きく役立ったと言えよう。 Based on Spranger's "Verstehende Psychologie, " I explored the following characteristics in adolescence, affecting the anger of young people. The participant of this study is a young man "Y" who was bullied by a classmate, and so experienced humiliation and anger linked to the pressure of his adolescence. I explored the following : (1) Y's anger. (1) Simplistic recognition and behaviour carrying a pre-meditated and planned tendency, which was caused by recognition and impulsive anger due to being bullied, humiliated and pressured during his adolescence. (2)Emotional explosion-accidental violence. (3)Subsequent anger, recognition and behaviour due to the above pressure. (2) "Y" lacked interpersonal relationship-skills, so he suffered both internal and external pressure. This pressure was linked to the development of his independence and individual value structure, heroism and "centering" during his adolescence. Subsequently, his anger was based on frustration linked to the above developments. His frustration intensified. He became pessimistic about his independence, thus increasing his desperation. "Y" had an outburst of anger and violently attacked the young bully. (3) I observed that Y's complicated anger was reduced by my listening to his opinions and supporting him, based on our reciprocal trust and understanding. Helping him understand his frustrations assisted his pursuit of self-worth. I am convinced that this exercise was essential for reducing his anger.
- Jobu Daigaku Keiei Joho Gakubu kiyo (Bulletin of Faculty of Management Information Sciences, Jobu University). 2006, no.29, p.15-31
Jobu Daigaku Keiei Joho Gakubu kiyo (Bulletin of Faculty of Management Information Sciences, Jobu University). 2006, no.29, p.15-31 (29), 15-31, 2006-12-28
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Details 詳細情報について
- 1050858387640305408
- NII Article ID
- 110006388820
- NII Book ID
- AN10138453
- 09155929
- 8713080
- Text Lang
- ja
- Article Type
- departmental bulletin paper
- Data Source
- CiNii Articles