

  • A Study on Transition between Area “Expression” and Elementary School “Music Department”:Focusing on the Environmental Composition and Support for Children in Musical Activities
  • A Study on Transition between Area “Expression” and Elementary School “Music Department”:Focusing on the Environmental Composition and Support for Children in Musical Activities


本研究では、子どもが音楽に親しむための環境構成や保育者の援助の事例を手がかりとして領域「表現」と小学校「音楽科」の学習指導要領の内容の関連性を明らかにし、幼児教育施設における領域「表現」の指導のあり方について検討した。  環境構成は小学校「音楽科」の器楽及び鑑賞の分野との関連が多く、保育者の援助は、歌唱分野において関連が多くみられた。それらの関連性を踏まえた音楽表現の指導においては、幼児期から音楽を身近に感じながら親しみを持つことのできる環境構成や、保育者の援助として自らが楽しそうに歌ったり楽器を演奏したりすること、子どもの模範となるような歌唱や楽器演奏を行うことが重要であると考える。 This study aimed to clarify the connections between the area “expression” and the content found in the teaching guidelines of the elementary school “music department.” To achieve this objective, it examines the environmental composition that can familiarize children with music and presents actual case studies of support for children applications to review the ideal pedagogy for early childhood education facilities to inculcate area “expression.” Connections can be made between the concept of environmental composition and numerous items classified in the teaching guidelines f the elementary school “music department” as elements of playing instruments and music appreciation. Links can also be created between the idea of support for children and many items categorized as singing. Such potential associations underscore the importance of ensuring an environmental composition that allows children to feel the presence f music around them when teaching children about musical expression so they can become acquainted with music from a young age. It is also vital that nursery teachers set a positive example for the children. To do so, teachers should enjoy themselves when they sing or play musical instruments while conducting music lessons.


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