

  • Exploring Work-related Difficulties Faced by Head Nurses in A Prefectural Hospitals
  • A ケンリツ ビョウイン ニ ショゾク スル カンゴ シチョウ ガ シゴト ジョウ チョクメン シテ イル コンナン ノ タンサク
  • Exploring Work-related Difficulties Faced by Head Nurses in A Prefectural Hospitals




目的:A 県立 4 病院に所属する看護師長が仕事上直面している困難を明らかにする. 方法:対象者は同意の得られた看護師長 10 名とした.インタビューガイドを用いた半構造化面接を行い,グラウンデッド・セオリー・アプローチを参考に分析した. 結果:≪看護師長としての仕事が思うようにできない≫をコアカテゴリーとし【自分の仕事に自信がもてない】【自分の求める理想の姿に近づけたいが近づけられない】【自分を取り巻く周囲の人との関係が上手くいかない】【看護師長の思いや業務は理解されにくく孤独である】【タイム・マネジメントが上手くいかない】【看護師長候補者や看護師長に対する継続的な教育システムがない】【コロナの影響によりこれまでと同じことができない】という 7 つのカテゴリーが生成された. 結論:看護師長が問題解決思考やコミュニケーション技法を発揮できる継続的な支援,意見交換の場の設定,相談窓口の明確化の必要性が示唆された.

Objective: This study aimed to clarify the work-related difficulties faced by head nurses at four hospitals in A Prefecture. Methods: Semi-structured interviews using interview guides were conducted with 10 head nurses after obtaining consent. Data were analyzed using the grounded theory approach. Results: A core category, “things do not turn out the way I expect”, was integrated. In addition, the following seven categories were generated: “I am not confident in my work”, “I am unable to get closer to my ideal form, which I am desperate to change”, “I am unable to build good relationships with those around me”, “Head nurses’ work and thoughts are difficult to understand, and I feel lonely”, “I am not good at time management”, “No opportunities for continuing education are available for head nurses and candidates”, and “I am unable to do the same things as before the COVID-19 pandemic”. Conclusions: These results suggest the need for continuing support systems that enable head nurses to improve their problem-solving and communication techniques, and that opportunities for information exchange and dialogue among head nurses and dedicated consultation desks need to be established.




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