

  • Microbial Conditions in Nursing Practice Rooms and the Effectiveness of Disinfection with Wipes
  • カンゴ ジッシュウシツ ニ オケル ビセイブツ ジョウキョウ ト フキトリ ショウドク ノ コウカ
  • Microbial Conditions in Nursing Practice Rooms and the Effectiveness of Disinfection with Wipes



目的:看護実習室において学生が演習中に頻繁に触れる箇所の微生物状況を演習前後で調査し,演習後の拭き取り消毒の効果を検討する. 方法:検体採取箇所は,ベッド柵,高さ調節ハンドル,オーバーベッドテーブル,ワゴンとした.微生物状況は,アデノシン三リン酸(Adenosine Tri-Phosphate;ATP)ふき取り検査法と細菌培養の 2 種類の方法を用いて調査した.検体採取は、演習前,演習後,消毒後に行った.ベッド上で体位変換を行った演習あり群と,対照群の演習なし群を設定した.分析は,各々の平均値と標準偏差,中央値を算出した. 結果:演習前と比較し,演習後は ATP 値やコロニー数が増加する傾向がみられ,消毒後は ATP 値やコロニー数が減少する傾向がみられた. 結論:微生物状況は,演習後に増加し,拭き取り消毒により減少する傾向から,患者に触れる前後での手指衛生の必要性や,アルコール製剤による拭き取り消毒の効果が確認できたと考える.

Objectives: The objectives of this study were to investigate the microbiological status of areas frequently touched by students before and after exercises and the effectiveness of wiping and disinfecting after the exercises. Methods: Specimens were collected at the bed rail, height adjustment handle, overbed table, and wagon. Microbiological conditions were investigated using two methods: adenosine triphosphate (ATP) wiping and bacterial culture. Specimens were collected before and after the exercise and after disinfection. Two groups were established: a group that performed exercises with positional changes on the bed, and a control group that did not perform any exercises. For the analysis, the mean, standard deviation, and median were calculated. Results: The results revealed that ATP levels and the number of bacterial colonies tended to increase after compared with before the exercise, and that ATP levels and bacterial colony counts tended to decrease after disinfection. Conclusions: The microbiological status of areas frequently touched by students tended to increase after the exercise and decrease after disinfection with wipes. These results confirm the necessity of adequate hand hygiene before and after touching patients and the effectiveness of disinfection with wipes.


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