ハイデガー「事実と思想」の真実と虚構 - ハイデガーの「弁明」再論 -

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  • Tatsachen und Fiktionen in Heideggers ❝Das Rektorat 1933/34. Tatsachen und Gedanken❞
  • ハイデガー ジジツ ト シソウ ノ シンジツ ト キョコウ ハイデガー ノ ベンメイ サイロン

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Martin Heidegger's essay "The Rectorate 1933/34 : Facts and Thoughts", written after WWII, discusses the philosopher's pre-war tenure as the rector of Freiburg University and a member of the Nazi Party. Meant to be a testimony of that time, he entrusted the essay to his literary executor, and the essay was first published in 1983,after Heidegger's death. It may be read as an apologia and has served as an authoritative account of Heidegger's Nazism. However, when Heidegger describes his deep involvement with the Nazis, his obfuscations and omissions end up contradicting the facts. He portrays himself as a critic of the Nazis, except where he cannot but admit his complicity, in which case he downplays his involvement. In the present paper I reveal Heidegger's artifices and fictions by analyzing mainly this Heidegger's essay, which has not been sufficiently studied in Japan, based on the past two decades of progress in studies of Heidegger and Nazism. At the same time, I illustrate historical facts regarding Heidegger's Nazism and reveal Heidegger's character and the philosophical problems that are buried in this short essay.


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