The current situation of the garbage disposals in Asahikawa and analysis on decreasing household garbage – At the 10th anniversary of the introducing fee-charging on household garbage in Asahikawa-
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- Other Title
- 旭川市ごみ処理の現状と家庭ごみ排出の減量分析 : 旭川市家庭ごみ有料化導入10周年を迎えて
- アサヒカワシゴミ ショリ ノ ゲンジョウ ト カテイゴミ ハイシュツ ノ ゲンリョウ ブンセキ : アサヒカワシ カテイゴミ ユウリョウカ ドウニュウ 10シュウネン オ ムカエテ
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A simple pay-for-use charging system on household burnable garbage and non-burnable garbage was intro-duced in Asahikawa ten years ago.By this charging system,amount of household garbage were reduced over 20%.In addition,about 1.1 billion yen fiscal revenue could be obtained per year.This revenue can cover 30% expenditure on garbage disposals.And the rebound phenomenon did not occur and illegal dumping did not increase as they were worried about. Asahikawa published their target of 2027,that is,the household garbage will be reduced to 880g per capita per day and the recycling rate reaches to 30%.To achieve these targets,the promotion of the 3R action (Reduce,Reuse and Recycle),the change of separating collection of the bottles (glass) and the cans (aluminum or steel),and the reinforcement of the collection by the citizen group for recycling,are effective measurements.
- The journal of Faculty of Economics Asahikawa University
The journal of Faculty of Economics Asahikawa University (77), 1-19, 2018-03-31
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Details 詳細情報について
- 1050859758016055680
- NII Article ID
- 120006470897
- NII Book ID
- AA12396640
- 029198204
- 18841481
- Text Lang
- ja
- Article Type
- departmental bulletin paper
- Data Source
- NDL Search
- CiNii Articles