Social Business and Traditional Microfinance (Mujin and Tanomoshikou) in Japan

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  • ソーシャル・ビジネスと無尽・頼母子講
  • ソーシャル ・ ビジネス ト ムジン ・ タノモシコウ

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In recent years, social businesses are getting publicity. They are defined as businesses for the purpose of the solution to social problems: environmental problems, local revitalization, poverty problems, income gaps and so on. Microfinance is also included in it. This paper analyzes: 1) the case of Amita holding Co., Ltd. to consider present conditions and problems of the social businesses in Japan. 2) the historical development of “Mujin” and “Tanomoshikou” which were Japanese traditional mutual financing associations. Through the above, this paper examines establishment and development process of social business in Japan


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