ニューラル機械翻訳を使った中国語古文の翻訳 -訓練・評価時の時間的差異の検証


  • Translation of ancient Chinese using neural machine translation —Verification of temporal differences during training and testing



As time passes, words and grammar are likely to change. Therefore, the performance of translation models is believed to decrease when there are significant temporal differences between the training and testing data. In this paper, we trained neural machine translation models using Chinese parallel corpora from different time periods and investigated their performance in translating ancient Chinese to modern Chinese. Additionally, we discussed the effectiveness of using a pre-trained model as contextual embeddings. The results of investigation indicated that the further apart the time periods of the training and testing data, the lower the performance of the translation models. Furthermore, the use of the pre-trained model in this study did not lead to an improvement in translation performance.


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