高齢者施設ケアスタッフに対する Advance Care Planning 実践教育プログラムの効果評価


  • Effects of an“Advance Care Planning”Educational Program for Care Staff in a Nursing home



目的】Advance Care Planning(以下 ACP)の専門職者に対する教育機会はまだ少ない.よって本研究は,高齢者施設における ACP 実践教育プログラムの開発と効果評価を目的とする.【方法】A 高齢者施設のケア従事者 25 名を研究対象者とした 1 群の事前・事後テストデザインである.介入前・全プログラム直後・3 ヶ月後に質問紙調査を行った.AD 態度尺度,死生観尺度等の変化を分析し , 自由記述は質的記述的に分析した.【結果】AD 態度尺度では,介入前から 3 ヶ月後では AD に前向きな態度が上昇した(p < .001).死生観尺度においては,「死への恐怖」において介入前から 3 ヶ月後に有意に低下した(p=.02).“改めて利用者の希望を確認していく”といったカテゴリーが導きだされた.【結論】ACP 教育プログラム参加により,AD への態度や「死への恐怖」意識の低下など本プログラムによる一定の効果が示唆された.

Purpose: The present study aimed to examine the effects of an ACP educational program in nursing home. Method: The design was a single-arm study to evaluate staff attitudes pre- and post-program. A 90-minute intervention program was three times during the 3 month, along with self-directed study. The study outcomes included attitudes towards Advance Directives(AD), the Death Attitude Inventory (DAI), and the Frommelt Attitude Toward Care of Dying scale(FATCOD- Form B-J). We used Wilcoxon signed-rank test and Friedman test the data of baseline, immediately after, and after 3 months. Statistical analysis was performed using IBM SPSS Statistics 20. As a program evaluation, comments on participant?s questionnaires from two questions were categorized and evaluated. Result: Participants of this study was 25 care staffs.(Average age was 36 years old). The most common occupational description was care worker (n=17).“Attitudes towards AD score”was increased from 9.0 to 10.0, which statistically significant(p=.00). The score for 'Death anxiety' in the DAI decreased from 21.0 to 16.5, which statistically significant(p = .02). As a program evaluation, comments on participant's questionnaires were categorized and evaluated. They thought that “Will check the clients wish, again”. Conclusion: These results suggest that the present ACP educational program was effective at improving staff attitudes towards the end of life care of patients.

Advance Care Planning

Advance Directive

End of Life Care

Education Program

Advance Care Planning

Advance Directive

End of Life Care

Education Program



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