日本語動詞の多義を支える構造―「 はたく」を例に ―


  • Analysis of the multiple meanings of the Japanese verb hataku based on the constructional types of word-combinations
  • ニホンゴ ドウシ ノ タギ オ ササエル コウゾウ : 「 ワ タク 」 オ レイ ニ



This paper aims to describe the multiple meanings of the Japanese verb hataku (to slap). We, linguists must clarify the linguistic conditions to realize each meaning of the polysemous word.This paper analyzed the multiple meanings of the verb hataku by using mainly two corpora, ‘the Balanced Corpus of Contemporary Written Japanese’ and ‘the Corpus of Historical Japanese’ based on Yasuo Okuda’s theory of the constructions of word-combinations. In conclusion, the verb hataku has the following meanings. (1) Change of the object (to smash something): Vanished meaning. The verb hataku in this meaning was used from the middle of the 17th century to the end of 18th century. (2) Contact (to slap something): The basic meaning, the free meaning (Okuda 1967) in the system of the meanings of hataku in modern Japanese. (3) Removal (to slap and remove something): The meaning bound by the construction of wordcombinations(Okuda ibid). (4) Adhesion (to slap and stick something): The meaning bound by the construction of wordcombinations(Okuda ibid). (5) To use up money: The meaning bound by the function in the sentence (Okuda ibid).


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