“Cultural Care” in current nursing practice : A study with the perspective of cultural anthropology

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  • 看護実践における“文化ケア” : 文化人類学的視点からの一考察
  • カンゴ ジッセン ニ オケル"ブンカ ケア" : ブンカ ジンルイガクテキ シテン カラ ノ イチ コウサツ

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Japanese cultural care practices by applying Leininger’s Sunrise model and by referring to the definition of “culture” in cultural anthropology. For giving holistic care, Leininger emphasizes the importance of culture care, which she defines as the nursing practice based on patient’s culture. Improving the skill of cultural care receives increasing attention in Japanese nursing practice and nursing education in recent years because of surging need of transcultural nursing. By literature review, we analyze what has been perceived as “culture” in Japanese nursing practice, and how the care is adapted. Culture in cultural anthropology is summarized as (1) objects and actions that have a particular meaning in a certain society and (2) a set of acquired values that defines lifestyle and behavior patterns. Being aligned to this, all 12 literatures treat “culture” as acquired values. Case studies in the literatures highlight that caregivers become aware of “culture” when paying attention to patients’ habit, language, personality, race, ethnicity, behavior pattern, and caregivers’ own nursing values. Our analysis derives two potential suggestions for the progressive adoption of cultural care in Japan: (1) raise awareness of the cultural care elements that already exist in the current nursing practice and (2) encourage caregivers to recognize their own culture and to assess its influence on their own nursing practice through the nurse-patient relationship.


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