2002年以前に報告された日本人胃のHamartomatous inverted polyp(inverted hyperplastic polyp)の臨床病理学的所見の検討

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  • 2002ネン イゼン ニ ホウコク サレタ ニホンジン イ ノ Hamartomatous inverted polyp (inverted hyperplastic polyp)ノ リンショウ ビョウリガクテキ ショケン ノ ケントウ
  • A study about clinicopathological features of Japanese gastric Hamartomatous inverted polyp (inverted hyperplastic polyp) reported before 2002
  • 2002年以前日本人胃のHIP

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Gastric hamartomatous inverted polyp (g-HIP) is rare gastric elevated lesion forming endophytic growth pattern which etiology remains unknown. G-HIP is said to be associated with gastric cancer and gastritis. We systematically reviewed Japanese g-HIP’s clinicopathological features reported before2002. Japanese g-HIP amount to20lesions,18patients ; 7(38.9%)were males and 11(61.1%)were females. The mean age of patients was 60.2 years old. The mean size of the lesions was21.7millimeter. No of the polyp shape was Yamada type IV7, Yamada type I/flat elevation 6, Yamada type III 4 and Yamada II 3, respectively. The site of the lesions was Body11, Cardia3, Fornix3and Antrum1, respectively. In12described cases, accompanied lesion was Gastritis, Carcinoma, GCP, Hyperplastic polyp, GIST and remnant stomach due to ulcer. Of the submucosal shaped(Yamada type I/flat elevation)g-HIP,50% has GCP and62.5% has gastric cancer. The common feature of g-HIP was pyloric gland-like mucous gland proliferation and cystic dilatation in the H. pylori era of Japan.


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