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- トクシマ ダイガク エイヨウ ガッカ ハツ ウチュウ ジッケン ノ アユミ ト コレカラ
- Our space experiments : history and future at Department of Nutrition, the University of Tokushima
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Yuri Gagarin said,“The Earth is blue”, in the first manned spacecraft Vostok 1 in April 1961 when he glimpsed the planet from the space. Since then, human beings have been evolving technology of rocket, so that they can stay in space for several months and years. In Japan, JAXA has almost finished constructing“Kibo”, a space experimental module in the International Space Station(ISS), in August, 2008. The first space research of Japan will be carried out at“Kibo”soon.We are also planning to perform a space experiment in“Kibo”to clarify the molecular mechanism of muscle atrophy caused by micro gravity. In this paper, we report our history and future plan to develop space research.
- 四国医学雑誌
四国医学雑誌 64 (5-6), 236-241, 2008-12-20
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Details 詳細情報について
- 1050865122807572224
- NII Article ID
- 120006335071
- NII Book ID
- AN00102041
- 00373699
- 9786789
- Article Type
- journal article
- Data Source
- NDL Search
- CiNii Articles