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  • ホイク バメン ニオケル ホイクシャ ノ オノマトペ シヨウ ニ カンスル イシキ
  • The awareness of nursery teachers using onomatopoeia in nursery scene

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The purpose of this study is to investigate to which extent nursery teachers are using onomatopoeia and if there are differences in the use of onomatopoeia according to the age of the infants. The method used was an awareness survey and the collaborators were nursery teachers in the nursery. The result of the survey was as follows: the frequency of use of onomatopoeia was the highest for 0 year old infants and was lowering as the age increases. From this, it can be considered that nursery teachers were changing the object used for onomatopoeia according to the age of the infants. In the case of infants with development problems, the result was an increase of using onomatopoeia for the 0 and 1 year old infants. For the infants with development problems, the use of onomatopoeia was considered to be helpful to individual encouragement. The most frequent place for using onomatopoeia is the guidance place, then comes exercise (play) place. We could see that onomatopoeia is being used as a very important word in the different child care scene.


  • 徳島大学人間科学研究

    徳島大学人間科学研究 23 1-17, 2015

    [徳島] : 徳島大学大学院ソシオ・アーツ・アンド・サイエンス研究部

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