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  • 「気」が句頭に位置する慣用句について : 慣用句教材を編纂する手かがりとしての一考察
  • キ ガ クトウ ニ イチスル カンヨウク ニツイテ : カンヨウク キョウザイ オ ヘンサン スル テガカリ トシテノ イチコウサツ
  • Idiom starting with 「Ki(気)」 : Note to composing textbook for idiom

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〈国語学研究事典> (1977) defined idiom as“combination of a few words to form an expression for commonly accepted meaning". Idiom comprised expression of metaphor, presenting suitable materials to understand life and thoughts of Japanese. Foreign learners cannot directly comprehend the meaning of idiom. Textbooks that categorize idiom into upper,middle and lower levers,or marked the frequency of use for them should be of great assistance to those foreign learners when learning Japanese. This study aims at (l) extracting idiom from a few dictionaries,(2) analyzing composition of these idioms,(3) examining status of these idioms in textbooks, (4) investigating how these idioms were applied in newspapers. The outcome of this study should provide guidelines for composing textbooks for idiom.


  • 言語文化研究

    言語文化研究 18 143-164, 2010-12

    徳島 : 徳島大学総合科学部

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