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- テフロクロノロジー ニヨル トクシマケン カミヤマチョウ ノ コウネ ジスベリ ヒガシオオクボ ジスベリ ノ ハッセイ ジキ ノ スイテイ
- Tephrochronological age estimate of the Koune Landslide and the Higashiohkubo Landslide in Kamiyama Town, Tokushima, Japan
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In this study,tephrochronological ages of the Koune Landslide and the Higashiohkubo Landslide in Kamiyama Town,Tokushima Prefecture,are estimated. The Koune Landslide is divided into two landslides; the Primary Koune Landslide and the Secondary Koune Landslide. The Primary Koune Landslide is cut by main scarp and moving mass of the Secondary Landslide. The Secondary Koune Landslide is overlain by the Kikai-Akahoya Tephra and re-sedimentation of the Aira-Tanzawa Tephra, suggesting that the landslide occurred primarily between 7.3 ka and 26-29 ka. Therefore, the Primary landslide is older than the Secondary one. The Higashiohkubo Landslide is not overlain by the Aira-Tanzawa Tephra,but the Kikai-Akahoya Tepahra, suggesting that the landslide occurred primarily between 7.3 ka and 26-29 ka.
- 徳島大学総合科学部自然科学研究 = Natural Science Research, The University of Tokushima
徳島大学総合科学部自然科学研究 = Natural Science Research, The University of Tokushima 22 1-11, 2008-12-24
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Details 詳細情報について
- 1050865122808271744
- NII Article ID
- 110008690332
- NII Book ID
- AN10065859
- 09146385
- 10784348
- Article Type
- departmental bulletin paper
- Data Source
- NDL Search
- CiNii Articles