Daily Life of Married Women in South Korea : Analysis based on the Data of "The Survey on Daily Time Budget"

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  • 韓国の既婚女性の日常生活 : 「生活時間調査」の分析を中心に
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The female labor participation rate in South Korea was 49.8% in 2004. That means that more than half of the married women do not work in the labor market. This is the sixth rank from the low sequence. Namely, once South Korea women get married, they tend not to work in the labor market. Why is it so low? This is the point we would like to focus on. By the way,the birth rate has been declining and aging society has been advancing. As a result, labor shortage is becoming one of the concerns. So, taking advantage of the married women's labor is considered as one of the solutions. In fact, the labor participation rate of married women has been increasing continuously since 1980 due to the change of industrial structure as well as flexibility of labor markets. However, when we compared with the other western countries, it still remains low. In this paper, we try to analyze why it is so low in South Korea from the perspective of daily time budget. When we think about the working time for married women in South Korea, we have to consider the characteristic of labor market, which means that the firm in South Korea demand the regular working time instead of short time such as part time job. We try to show this from the theory of micro economics. In conclusion,it is recommended that the firm need to offer more flexible working environment for the married women.


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