Report on the condition of the children who are in receipt of the various forms of poor law relief in England and Wales . Report by the Rev. J.C. Pringle on the effects of employment or assistance given to the "unemployed" since 1886 as a means of relieving distress outside the poor law in Scotland . Report to the Royal Commission on the Poor Laws and Relief of Distress on an inquiry in certain unions into cases of refusal of out-relief . Report to the Royal Commission on the Poor Laws and Relief of Distress on the condition of the children who are in receipt of the various forms of poor law relief in certain parishes in Scotland . Report to the Royal Commission on the Poor Laws and Relief of Distress on the physical condition of the able-bodied male inmates of certain Scottish poorhouses, and English workhouses and labour yards
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Bibliographic Information
- Title
- "Report on the condition of the children who are in receipt of the various forms of poor law relief in England and Wales . Report by the Rev. J.C. Pringle on the effects of employment or assistance given to the "unemployed" since 1886 as a means of relieving distress outside the poor law in Scotland . Report to the Royal Commission on the Poor Laws and Relief of Distress on an inquiry in certain unions into cases of refusal of out-relief . Report to the Royal Commission on the Poor Laws and Relief of Distress on the condition of the children who are in receipt of the various forms of poor law relief in certain parishes in Scotland . Report to the Royal Commission on the Poor Laws and Relief of Distress on the physical condition of the able-bodied male inmates of certain Scottish poorhouses, and English workhouses and labour yards"
- Statement of Responsibility
- by Ethel M.N. Williams ; assisted by Mary Longman and Marion Phillips . . by G. Harlock . by C.T. Parsons ; assisted by Mary Longman & Marion Phillips . by C.T. Parsons
- Publisher
- Printed for His Majesty's Stationery Office, by Wyman
- Publication Year
- 1910
- Book size
- 33 cm
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"Presented to both Houses of Parliament by command of His Majesty"
At head of title: Royal Commission on the Poor Laws and Relief of Distress
1st work: [Report of the Royal Commission on the Poor Laws and Relief of Distress] ; appendix v. 18
2nd work: [Report of the Royal Commission on the Poor Laws and Relief of Distress] ; appendix v. 19A
3rd work: [Report of the Royal Commission on the Poor Laws and Relief of Distress] ; appendix v. 21
4th work: [Report of the Royal Commission on the Poor Laws and Relief of Distress] ; appendix v. 23
5th work: [Report of the Royal Commission on the Poor Laws and Relief of Distress] ; appendix v. 24
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Details 詳細情報について
- 1130000793831432192
- NII Book ID
- BA50788971
- Text Lang
- en
- Country Code
- uk
- Title Language Code
- en
- Place of Publication
- London
- Data Source
- CiNii Books