The history of Reynard the Fox . The first blast of the trumpet, etc. . A handful of pleasant delights, etc. . A supplication for the beggars . The state of the Church of England, etc. . The returne from pernassus, or the scourge of Simony . The seven deadly sins of London

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Bibliographic Information

"The history of Reynard the Fox . The first blast of the trumpet, etc. . A handful of pleasant delights, etc. . A supplication for the beggars . The state of the Church of England, etc. . The returne from pernassus, or the scourge of Simony . The seven deadly sins of London"
Statement of Responsibility
William Caxton . John Knox . Clement Robinson and divers others . Simon Fish . John Udall . . Thomas Decker
  • AMS Press
Publication Year
  • 1967
Book size
23 cm

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Originally published in London, 1878-1879

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  • Place of Publication
    • New York
  • Classification
  • Data Source
    • CiNii Books
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