Philosophical letters between the late learned Mr. Ray and several of his ingenious correspondents, natives and foreigners : to which are added those of Francis Willughby Esq; the whole consisting of many curious discoveries and improvements in the history of quadrupeds, birds, fishes, insects, plants, fossiles, fountains, &c
Bibliographic Information
- Title
- "Philosophical letters between the late learned Mr. Ray and several of his ingenious correspondents, natives and foreigners : to which are added those of Francis Willughby Esq; the whole consisting of many curious discoveries and improvements in the history of quadrupeds, birds, fishes, insects, plants, fossiles, fountains, &c"
- Statement of Responsibility
- John Ray
- Publisher
- Readex Microprint
- Publication Year
- 1971
- Book size
- 23 × 15 cm
- Format
- microform(microopaque)
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Reproduction of: London : W. Derham, 1718. 376 p. with appendix & index
"Courtesy History of Science Collections, University of Oklahoma"
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Details 詳細情報について
- 1130000794411607808
- NII Book ID
- BB11164714
- 35030764
- Country Code
- us
- Title Language Code
- en
- Place of Publication
- New York, N.Y.
- Subject
- Data Source
- CiNii Books