Three hours after marriage . Cursory reflections upon a book call'd, an essay concerning human understanding (1690) . Divine songs and meditacions (1653) . An essay on the new species of writing founded by Mr. Fielding, 1751 . Ballads and songs loyal to the Hanoverian succession (1703-1761) . Athenae britannicae (1716-1719)

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Bibliographic Information

"Three hours after marriage . Cursory reflections upon a book call'd, an essay concerning human understanding (1690) . Divine songs and meditacions (1653) . An essay on the new species of writing founded by Mr. Fielding, 1751 . Ballads and songs loyal to the Hanoverian succession (1703-1761) . Athenae britannicae (1716-1719)"
Statement of Responsibility
John Gay, Alexander Pope, John Arbuthnot ; edited, with an introduction, by John Harrington Smith . John Norris ; edited, with an introduction, by Gilbert D. McEwen . An. Collins ; selected, with an introduction, by Stanley N. Stewart . edited, with an introduction, by Alan D. McKillop . selected, with an introduction, by John J. McAleer . Myles Davies ; selected, with an introduction, by R. George Thomas
  • Kraus Reprint
Publication Year
  • 1975
Book size
24 cm

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Reprint. Originally published by W.A. Clark Memorial Library, 1961-62

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