Mátraszentimrei dalok : 2-3-sz. gyerekkarra (egynemű karra) a cappella magyar népdalok után = Lieder aus Mátraszentimre : für 2-3stimmigen Kinderchor (Frauenchor, ad lib. Männerchor) a cappella nach ungarischen Volksliedern = Songs from Mátraszentimre : for 2-3 part children's choir (female or male choir) a cappella after hungarian [sic] folksongs
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Bibliographic Information
- Title
- "Mátraszentimrei dalok : 2-3-sz. gyerekkarra (egynemű karra) a cappella magyar népdalok után = Lieder aus Mátraszentimre : für 2-3stimmigen Kinderchor (Frauenchor, ad lib. Männerchor) a cappella nach ungarischen Volksliedern = Songs from Mátraszentimre : for 2-3 part children's choir (female or male choir) a cappella after hungarian [sic] folksongs"
- Statement of Responsibility
- György Ligeti ; Deutsche Textfassung von Hilger Schallehn ; English words by Desmond Clayton
- Publisher
- Schott
- Publication Year
- 1984
- Book size
- 28 cm
- Format
- printed music(full score)
- Other Title
- Kinder-oder Frauenchor a cappella
- Uniform Title
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Subtitle on cover: Kinder-oder Frauenchor a cappella
Hungarian words with English and German translations
Duration: ca. 4:20
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Details 詳細情報について
- 1130000794438793600
- NII Book ID
- BA65182869
- Country Code
- gw
- Title Language Code
- hu
- Place of Publication
- Mainz
- Uniform Title ID
- Classification
- LCC: M1600
- Data Source
- CiNii Books